Christian Lacroix illustre La Princesse de Clèves

Christian Lacroix illustrates La Princesse de Clèves

  • Exhibition sale from October 17 to November 24, 2018

The Galerie Gallimard is pleased to welcome a new exhibition dedicated to the original illustrations and drawings created by Christian Lacroix to illustrate La Princesse de Clèves by Madame de Lafayette. Around fifty original graphic works (watercolors, collages, drawings) as well as ceramics and canvases created exclusively for the Gallery, are exhibited and put on sale for nearly 6 weeks in the Galerie Gallimard space staged by Christian Lacroix.

A lover of books, words, literature and beautiful works, Christian Lacroix took up the challenge of appropriating, by revisiting it graphically, the text of Madame de Lafayette. Designer and scenographer, decorator and costume designer, illustrator and visual artist, this Arlesian by birth and by heart likes to touch on everything that inspires and fascinates him.

After thirty years of haute couture and fashion, he now works for the stage (currently for the Comédie Française - Lucrèce Borgia, the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, or the Opéra comique and the Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Berlin Operas), he draws and paints, or even designs hotels and exhibitions, trams and ceramics.




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